Green Fields Thai Tea Drink (500ml) is a ready-to-drink, bottled version of the traditional Thai iced tea, known for its bold and aromatic flavors. This beverage is made with a blend of strong black tea, sweetened condensed milk, and a hint of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, and vanilla, creating a rich, fragrant, and creamy taste. The drink has a striking amber-orange color and a smooth, velvety texture. It’s sweet and slightly creamy with a well-balanced tea flavor, offering both sweetness and a touch of bitterness from the black tea.
This 500ml bottle is perfect for enjoying on the go, delivering the authentic taste of Thai tea in a convenient, ready-to-consume form. Ideal for those who love the unique and comforting flavor of Thai iced tea but prefer a quick, hassle-free option. It’s a popular choice for tea lovers looking for a refreshing, indulgent drink with a rich, satisfying taste.
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