Mogu-Mogu 25% Strawberry Juice with Nata de Coco – 1000ml is a large-sized, refreshing beverage that combines the sweet, fruity taste of strawberry juice with chewy nata de coco cubes. The drink contains 25% strawberry juice, offering a natural and vibrant strawberry flavor that is sweet, fragrant, and satisfying.
The nata de coco, made from fermented coconut water, adds a fun, chewy texture that complements the smooth, fruity strawberry liquid, creating a unique and enjoyable drinking experience. The chewy coconut jelly enhances the beverage, giving it a playful, multi-textural quality with each sip.
Packaged in a 1000ml bottle, this size is perfect for sharing or for those who want to enjoy a large quantity of this delicious drink. Mogu-Mogu 25% Strawberry Juice with Nata de Coco is an ideal choice for anyone who enjoys sweet, fruity flavors with a fun chewy twist, making it a perfect option for parties, gatherings, or as a refreshing treat throughout the day.
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